Sunday, October 11, 2009

If Ken Rockwell had never got into photography would your mind be a blank?

i think people would have been better off....

honestly, he points people to inferior products on a regular basis. thats fine for grandma, but cmon....

recommending this lens to anyone is a mistake if youve ever seen one.

i think he gets his point out, but ive seen too many people listen just to him because he has a nice website.
If Ken Rockwell had never got into photography would your mind be a blank?
I had never heard of him till last year, and every time I see his site I notice its just a stream of infomercials.

He recommends whatever he can get someone to advertise on his site.

He is not independent or a reliable source of information, he is a clever businessman certainly, not a philanthropist!

Heres some quotes from his gushing over an alrounder lens......

"It's a miracle!" "Life - Changing"

"No more tripod! VR obsoletes tripods"

- serious is the guy ok? tripods are so much better than VR does he think water runs up hill?

If Ken Rockwell had never got into photography would your mind be a blank?
I read once that Ken Rockwell is the Chuck Norris of the photography world!
Reply:Ken Rockwell works this Yahoo Photography group with a vengance, but not under that name.

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