Saturday, October 24, 2009

What are the best tips to photograph interiors with a digital camera (slr) and architecture?

Im going to be in Spain so I know most churches etc wil not allow pictures, but in general what are the best pointers when photographing architecture and interiors (Grand ones). Any pointers at all to make a brilliant digital photo??
What are the best tips to photograph interiors with a digital camera (slr) and architecture?
Tripod, tripod, tripod. Cable release. Use small apertures and long shutter speeds.

Manually set your WB also....

What are the best tips to photograph interiors with a digital camera (slr) and architecture?
...and be patient. Great interiors can be ruined by clutter (read: people). Took me thirty minutes to get a decent night shot of the Alamo, waiting for all the tourists to get out of the way.
Reply:Try to get a wide angle lens - the wider the better, but not a fisheye. Pray for guidance in each church that you visit, before you take the camera out of the bag. This does two things. First, it puts you in a proper frame of mind for taking pictures. Second, you are connecting with your subject, which should translate into better photos.

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