Wednesday, October 21, 2009

National museums which buy expensive works of art are wasting taxpayers' money?

National museums which buy expensive works of art are wasting taxpayers' money?
there professional, they know they will go

up in value, it safer than stock and bonds

people pay to see them, in the future

they will be able to sell them to collector

much more, there professors critique painting ,

and there helping arts ,museums make money with show, they sell professional books they get charge a fee to visit the museums

an so on!!!!

National museums which buy expensive works of art are wasting taxpayers' money?
Most museums are privately funded and don't rely on taxpayer money to purchase works of art. We, assuming you live in America, only have one national museum and most of the expensive works of art in our national museum was donated to it. These donations may be tax write-offs by the people who donate the art but it doesn't cost taxpayers anything.

The more famous museums, like the Guggenheim, the Getty, MOCA, the Kimbell, etc. are all privately funded. As to city owned and operated museums, like Los Angeles County Museum Of Art, our taxpayer money usually only goes to operating coast, not acquisitions. Acquisitions of expensive works of art through such museums come almost always from private trust funds donated to the museum.

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