Friday, March 12, 2010

Which is better to print photos?

Walgreens or CVS? As far as best quality...or does it just sort of depend on each individual store?
Which is better to print photos?
Hi there. I can give you my perspective from my experience. Of Walgreens, I have not had much luck and therefore don't place my confidence in them. Of CVS which used to be Eckerds.... We have a friend who manages the photo lab in one of the stores in the Houston area. For one, he always treats us like we were the only customer in the store and gives personal attention to our prints. If we don't like them because of color problems or such, he reprints until they are right. Also, he once told us that the professional commercial printer the store uses is a $250, 000.00 machine. It is sometimes finicky but the prints... and I refer to the enlarged prints are great. The paper CVS uses looks very much like custom lab paper. Go ahead and try both and see which you like... but try CVS first in case you really like the results. Hope that helps.
Which is better to print photos?
Any of these places depend upon the people who run the machines, Here, Walgreen's surpasses CVS, but other places it may be the opposite. While my daughter was in college she had a part time job at a CVS by her school and she was appalled at the little training she got. My only advice, try them both out with the same print and compare. They're cheap enough.
Reply:It will vary between store.

Today I just got prints done at Walgreens and here is what I think:

It was much quicker than expected, I could pick them up after 10 minutes as opposed to four hours.

If your lips are chapped, it will be more noticeable in the photographs. A picture with flash on the skin is overexposed in some parts, but the blues in a shirt are rich. A black and white photograph is not very contrasty. The tealish blue on a picture comes out as more of a greenish, and it is much darker than expected. My fourth picture is impeccable, exactly how I want it to look.

The only thing that annoys me a lot is that if I want to pick up from the store I need to get glossy paper.

I would try Walgreens, but if you are unsatisfied with the result switch to CVS. It really depends on the person printing the picture.

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