Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What do they call those character sheets wth the front/profile viewfor animations?

Y'know, the ones where the character is stood there with guiding lines from all the relevant angles?
What do they call those character sheets wth the front/profile viewfor animations?
Working drawing? They're usualy used in 3D design terms but it kind of bleeds over into animation, occasionally they're referred to as model sheets
What do they call those character sheets wth the front/profile viewfor animations?
Model Sheets. They go way back in Animation to the days of the earliest studios.

They call 3-D models Maquettes and they have been used in animated films (both traditional and computer animations) comic strips, and illustrations as guides for drawing and, occasionally, as photographed collage elements. There are photos on the 'Net of a maquette one of the monsters of the original Doom video game, made by Adrian Carmack.
Reply:either "model sheets" or "turnarounds"

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