Sunday, March 14, 2010

Please comment on this photo which someone was burnt alive without clothes...?

please comment on this a bit offensive photo. i must remind u this is nude thing so if dont open with this thing then dont open it ok.

its really cruel, someone was burnt alive without clothes O_o

who did those such cruel things?????

also, i would like to ask u about making business with card design. do u have experience in it and how to advertise urself? thank you
Please comment on this photo which someone was burnt alive without clothes...?
LOL I fell for it...

Looks delicious!!!
Please comment on this photo which someone was burnt alive without clothes...?
LOL... I believe it's female! What type of BC help do you need, I am a retired Sr. Graphic Designer and have the time and talent to help.

Email me with more info.
Reply:Yummy, I'll have a slice of him! or her...whatever it is!
Reply:Her breast is exposed.
Reply:lmfao i think its a girl!

well i would imagine you go to a company that does it but i really don't know T_T
Reply:Having been a Criminal Investigator for over 15 years I would say we need to do an autopsy on this bird to determine sex, cause of death, time of death, who plucked the feathers out and who rung this birds neck.

Now for the question about making business with card design I always use a local company for my business cards. Sorry I could nto help you more. Have a super sweet day!!!!!

Animals are people too????????? You got me there Hello!!
Reply:~All of us do it. We also eat it after buning it. Sometimes a lot of people gather together and do it and no one says anything.~
Reply:Vegetarian here. If this is just a joke its not something to joke about. And if not I agree.

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